25 West Custer Street Lemont
Exact Construction Date: 1968
Primary Materials: Brick
Secondary Materials: Wood
Architect | Builder: George Lindstrom
Historic Use: Lemont United Methodist Church
Current Use: Lemont United Methodist Church
(at time of survey)
Building Classification: Building
Primary Type: Religion
Noteworthy Classification Features:
Predominantly A-frame with cedar shake roof with broken ridge, 1-story flat-roofed annexes with wood siding on east and west side projecting bay for irregularly shaped art glass inlaid in cementitious material, bell tower on 3 tapering concrete piers
Roof Form: A-frame
Surveyors: Hannah, Allen, Emily Barton, Roseanne Ghazarian
Related Literature: Old Lemont church to face wreckers. (1968, Oct 10). Chicago Tribune (1963-Current File) Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/175818348?accountid=26320