18324 Ashland Avenue Homewood
Noteworthy Classification Features:
A sanctuary with a rectangular plan and a steeply pitched roof. A projecting prow clad in Lannon stone with a projecting gable roof extends from the east wall. Tall windows with a repeating geometric pattern resembling running brick coursing in primary colors. On the east facade, there are three short projecting prow windows topped with projecting gable roofs. The north facade has a vertical panel of rusticated Lannon stone. Three decorative cast stone panels have a religious motif embedded in the Lannon stone. A small double gable sits on top of the roof and is crowned with a metalic cross. An east entrance wing has a steep projecting gambrel roof. The right side of the east facade is recessed. The deep-red offset double doors are flanked with 4 decorative stainedglass windows. The door handles form a cross and are made of thick oak planks. Above the door is a stained glass window that extends to the eave. To the left of the door is lettering in cast stone that says: Salem Lutheran Church. Three-panel punch windows adorn the east entrance window.
Roof Form: Gable
Surveyors: Mavrogenes, May, Smagner
Survey Date: 3/20/19