1700 Ballard Road Park Ridge
Exact Construction Date: 1957
Date Research Source: Field
Primary Materials: Concrete
Secondary Materials: Metals
Architect | Builder: Lloyd Wright and Eric Lloyd Wright
Historic Use: Good Shepherd Church
Current Use: Maine Township City Hall
(at time of survey)
Building Classification: Building
Primary Type: Religion
Sub Type: Religious Facility
General Notes:
Small prairie park in courtyard
Roof Form: Gable
Surveyors: KM, CT, JH, CG
Survey Date: 10/06-11/06
Related Literature: "Begin Church Designed by Lloyd Wright: Structure to Blend with Terrain," Chicago Tribune, 1 February 1959
Noteworthy Classification Features:
Horizontal roof over most building with metal coping and diamond ornamentation, pitched roof with triangular skylights, building has up-shape courtyard with flat roof, courtyard interior walls slope inward between windows, west end of building has pitched roof with two garage bays (addition from 1995), both pitched roofs have vertical metal ornamentation and triangular windows, pitched roof eaves project over building walls with supporting wood brackets, east elevation has entry door with projecting canopy and window up to roof
Noteworthy Landscape Features: