1401 South Austin Boulevard Cicero
Exact Construction Date: 1965
Primary Materials: Brick
Secondary Materials: Porcelain Enamel
Historic Use: St. Frances of Rome Catholic Church
Current Use: St. Frances of Rome Catholic Church
(at time of survey)
Building Classification: Building
Primary Type: Religion, Religion/School
Noteworthy Classification Features:
Modified buttery fly awning over entrance on 59th Ct. Walls made of wire cut red brick with orange enameled panels and aluminum encased banded windows on 2nd floor. Cross and metal sign on both facades. Free standing kneeling sculpture at corner. Granite cornerstone plaque, cross door pulls and metal railings at 59th Ct entrance.
Roof Form: Flat
Sign Type: Attached
Sign Materials: Metal
Surveyors: Carey-O'Brien-Wallrath
Survey Date: 11/14/2011
Noteworthy Landscape Features: