Name: Betty Jane Ritter
Date of Birth / Location: November 6, 1922 / Evanston, IL
Date of Death / Location: November 2, 2005 / Desplaines, IL
Education: Bachelor's in Architecture, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 1959
Firms and Partnerships Skimore, Owings, and Merrill (SOM); Perkins and Will.
Professional Organizations & Activities: During World War II, she wished to join the Women Air Service Patrol and took flying lessons at Palwaukee Airport to receive her pilot's license. Betty was on a 4 person team (that also included architect Margaret Zirkel Young, Alyce Knight and Celia Pew) that was responsible for the Triton College sponsored video, “Shadows on the Landscape. ” This was a 34-minute video created to stimulate the interest of high school students in architectute as a profession. Joined AIA 1964. Ritter was senior editor of Building Design and Construction magazine and editor of Inland Architect.