Name: Bernice Ropiequet Goedde
Date of Birth / Location: June 11, 1902 / East Saint Louis, Illinois
Date of Death / Location: August 25, 1983 / Carbondale, Illinois
Education: Bachelor of Architecture, Washington University, 1922
Firms and Partnerships Boyer & Baum, Draftsperson, 1922-23; Widmer Engineering Co., Draftsperson, St. Louis, 1923-24; Goedde Lumber Co., General Manager; Private practice beginning in 1924
Professional Organizations & Activities: President of Illinois Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs; President of the American Association of University Women; First woman to be elected to and later President of the East Saint Louis School Board; City Planning Commission of East St. Louis, 1960; Member of the East St. Lois Chamber of Commerce; Senior Architect for Southern Illinois University; Served on the committee which oversaw the development of the SIU-Edwardsville Campus; First woman to attend the Johns-Manville Institute; Member of the Illinois Post-War Planning Commission