Highland Park WWI Memorial
Address: Memorial Park, Laurel and Linden Aves.
City: Highland Park
County: Lake
Monument Type: Sculpture & Artwork
Monument Setting: Park
Proper left foot:) James Cady Ewell, 1926 (On proper right foot:) Cast by Am. Art Fdy. Chicago ILL (On either side of figure: bronze plaques with names) (In granite on steps in front of base:) AIR LAND SEA/1917 1918 (In granite arch behind figure’s head:) PEACE VICTORIOUS (Back of base, on either side of bronze name plaque:) For your tomorrow/they gave their today. (Proper left side of base:) James Cady Ewell/sculptor and designed/Nov. 11, 1926 signed Founder’s mark appears.
Dates: 1926
Artist: James Cady Ewell
Commissioned by: Local Residents